You Are What You Eat
Man am I getting stir crazy. 35 years of fish mongering has taken its toll on my shoulders and both rotator cuffs are fully torn. I finally had one operated on. It’s been about a week and a half now, I’m feeling pretty good and I believe that the fatty fish I’ve been eating has had something to do with it. Early research on Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) showed great benefits for heart health. Since then, studies have shown that Omegas-3s can help with lots of other disorders including depression, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, skin problems, diabetes and more.

Painting by Mike Monahan
Reducing inflammation is another benefit that I think is really helping me right now. The effect on mood and brain function is another great post-op plus. I always knew that I felt content and happy after a fine fish dinner and keeping a positive attitude is key to any recovery. I also believe that eating those delicious, crispy salmon and mackerel skins this week have helped with the digestive problems from the pain meds that I had to take. Omega-3s gets the blood (and everything else) flowing right along.
A meal of fish twice a week is all you need to derive the benefits. I’ve seen it in my customers, my family and myself.
Recipes for the fish report will be simple and “one handed” for a while but simple is better when it comes to fish. One simple dish that I was able to pull off last week was pan-seared mackerel with ponzu daikon dipping sauce. That was so easy and delicious; we’re doing it again tonight! Ponzu is a Japanese citrus based dipping sauce that’s made by simmering rice vinegar, mirin, kombu (a type of seaweed), and bonito flakes. It’s then strained and citrus juice is added, in Japan usually yuzu but lemon juice works. Add soy sauce and you have ponzu. Kikkoman makes a pretty good ponzu (available at Monahan’s) that we use all the time. For this mackerel dish I jazzed up the Kikkoman with a little fresh lemon, sake, sriracha and fresh grated daikon radish. A perfect sauce to compliment and break through the flavorful richness of the mackerel. Enjoy!