Pure Mexican Comfort – Chiles Rellenos With Shrimp and Chorizo
Well, I’m back from the desert! I was visiting Tucson for my mother-in-law’s birthday bash. It was a weekend of lots of family, good food and drink! Wherever we travel I’m always searching for inspiration for this report. The Sonoran desert is beautiful and full of life but just doesn’t offer a whole lot of great fish ideas!
Susan, my mother-in-law, took us on an outing to visit the old mission, Tumacácori, north of Nogales, Mexico. (She is a docent for the Arizona State Museum and does tours of the missions in the Sonoran desert). Afterward, we stopped in the town of Tubac, AZ. for lunch. We were walking thru the town when the wonderful smell of roasting chiles hit us and we were drawn to a nearby restaurant. Sitting in a lovely courtyard with my wife, Susan, and all my kids, I was sipping on an ice cold Pacifico and enjoying some very nicely prepared, delicious chiles rellenos- life is good! My wife says, “here’s your fish report Mike, shrimp or crab in this dish would be amazing!”
As soon as we got back to Ann Arbor, I hit the farmers market, found some perfectly sized poblano chiles, some nice fresh jalapeños, garlic, tomatoes, onions, eggs and I was on my way. Next off to Ypsilanti to Dos Hermanos grocery for some queso blanco and chorizo. Getting back to the kitchen and spreading out all these great ingredients, I realized that I had quite a job ahead of me. This is a dish with quite a few steps! Roasting then peeling and seeding the peppers, making the shrimp and chorizo stuffing, roasting the tomatoes for the sauce, blending, whipping, dipping, frying. It took some time but I will tell you, the tangy spiciness of the pepper with the rich cheesy shrimp stuffing, the light egg batter soaking up the roasted tomato sauce – Mexican comfort food at it’s best! Maybe get together with a friend to speed up this operation and have some fun!