They’re Runnin’! Copper River Kings & Sockeyes- Nature’s Perfect Food
The 2019 Copper River salmon season is upon us! I’m happy to report that there seems to be lots of kings and sockeyes heading up this year.The fact that these fish have to fatten up and become strong enough to make it up an incredibly steep 300 mile long river to spawn has made them probably the richest, most healthful, full of omega 3‘s, succulent and delicious foods in the world.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game sets periods of fishing. Fish counting determines how many fish are heading up river to spawn and how much fishing will be allowed. There are 2 openings a week, Monday and Thursday. Yesterday was the 5th opening and aside from some rough weather for a couple days, we’re hearing that catches have been good. The kings and sockeyes have been coming in good sized and gorgeous!
This wild, dramatic and ancient run of salmon has blessed us again with the taste and goodness of nature’s perfect food.Kings and sockeyes will be in for the weekend. Fire up the grill! We’ve got cedar planks and our Irish whiskey maple glaze or just a simple salt, pepper and olive oil would be great. ENJOY!